The Veiws of Reading and Writing

Schooled literacy is a type of literacy where people read and write for only school assignments. Meaning, while in school kids are beginning to only read and wright for a school grade. They are writing to please their teachers and not just for them self. In the reading “Schooled Literacy” by Rick Evans, the author refers to this concept. Evans explains reading and writing use to be used as a hobby where people would read before bed or write journals about their life and not have to meet a standard. Also, that kids are writing essays semi different in every class to meet the guide lines and to please their teacher.

Good reading is seen as reading that is done either to get better at it or just simply because you want to. For example, when you’re reading a story you picked out and personally enjoy it and are engaged with the reading than that is classified as a good reading.


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Same goes with writing. Good writing is known when you are writing out of free will. when you want to sit down and write a story or write about your day in a journal. There is no restrictions or guidelines to it you can simply write how ever and what ever you want!

Being in school changes the experience one has with reading and writing in many ways. According to Evans, school teaches kids to read and write for a grade basically. School is showing kids to read only when needed in an assignment. Also to write based off the guide lines and off what is wanted from the teacher not them selves.

My experience with school literacy is the same as hoe Evans puts it. I feel when I started to read and write I used to do it for fun and as a hobby. I use to love go to the library and picking out cool books that either I or my mom would read me at night. As I grew older and Began middle school/high school I started to honestly hate reading and writing. I only would do so if in was assigned for a grade. Personally I hated to have to write how my teachers wanted it. It made the assignments harder instead of me just being able to write and express about the topic that was given in my own way.  I completely agree with what Evan’s stated because looking back on my childhood I feel the same happened to me where the love of writing and reading was takin away from me as school became harder. In the end I think its terrible that kids stop reading and writing just for fun and that now it is just a way to obtain that “A”.





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